Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tilo Party forms in South Florida to combat Tea Party views and restore America

  What is the TILO Party ?

The main reason for my creation of the TILO Party ( Thinking Individuals Looking Out for America ) is to combat not only the disguised extreme conservative movement of the TEA Party but to have people who can actually reason and think for themselves give their opinions in a rational manner to tackle today's problems.

As the founder of the Tilo party and a Hispanic Democrat I felt this needed to be addressed. I get so upset when the morons on the right, yes the party of No Answers,No Solutions, and No Progress critique all of today's problems and there are many, to the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media. As a boy and even today Tilo or the Linden Tea leaf is used in the Hispanic culture to calm the nerves,reduce upset stomachs,anxiety and help you get a good night's sleep. Well, you can imagine how Tilo correlates to the my political views today.

We hope you enjoy our blog and look forward to your comments.