Friday, December 10, 2010

Tax cut extension give GOP brownie points going into 2012 Presidential election

Well, our practically bankrupt country's politicians made another stride to worsen our situation and the public agrees. The tax cut extensions seen as a cure all for our economic cold were passed to help the rich get richer and decrease the middle class' buying power.

Let's take a look for a second. The previous tax cuts from the Bush administration got us into a multi trillion dollar deficit. We want to extend them because it will create jobs. The middle class which is out of work needs more tax cuts because of course because their income is so high that they need to pay their share, on the other hand how can someone out of work pay taxes on no income? What also happened to the jobs in the last 8 yrs of the Bush administration with the tax cuts in place. Pretty Dis mall.

Here is best news so far. The Tax cuts will create jobs and not cut entitlements . Is anyone out there  remotely  living near the same planet I reside. Please tell me how we are going to do this. Are we cutting Medicare? Defense? ( We should ) Education?. This tax cut extension was a joke and a ploy from the republicans to show they are doing something positive for the country, not like the last 2 years were they did not vote for any democratic programs.

Here is my take. The republicans of today ,not the ones during the Clinton Administration,who actually cared about this country and not their political gains have scored some brownie points with Americans. Americans will see this as a breakthrough instead of catastrophe because now they think Washington is working for them.

The republicans who are only focusing on the White House in 2012 are really good at firing up the base. This piece of legislation is a stepping stone to the elections. If the democratics were as good... well you fill in the blanks.

TILO for America


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Force Republican chairman Michael Steele to resign and send him back to Maryland

This is the problem with the party of No Solutions (Republican Party) in the case of what is happening with chairman Michael Steele. Mr. Steele has been nothing but a thorn in the side of the GOP. His views,opinions and actions are outlandish and everybody in the party seems to turn their head,until now.

The pressure on the chairman has been mounting to levels were he will not be able to talk his way out of  appeasing the party. From the mishandling of  GOP funds to strip bars to now criticizing President Obama for the Afghan war has made his role as chairman  a comparison with such top black comedians as Eddie Murphy and Chris Rock. The problem is when you go to a comedy show you end up leaving in tears of laughter and  nor tears of embarrassment. Mr. Steele and his party cannot and let me reemphasize CANNOT or WILL NOT say anything positive about the President,Democrats,any stimulus,reforms ,laws that have occurred in the last 18 months.

In an interview with CNBC two weeks ago Mr. Steele spoke to Mark Haines and Erin Burnett in regards to the economic situation and all he mentions is that George Bush created 3 million jobs in his 8 years that was then recalculated to a net 1.5 million after the crisis erupted. I am tired of Republicans talking about Reagan and what he did for the job growth during his presidency. Yes ,Reagan created over 20 million jobs ,but what republicans don't say is that Bill Clinton created over 23 million jobs. I don't know much, but 8 years and 1.5 million jobs is a miserable performance.

The party of NO Solutions will finally make a decision this month to oust their chairman in the usual political manner. My remedy is quite simple. Hook up Michael Steele with Sarah Palin's publicity agent and go on tour as the face of Tea Party. That way we can have a good laugh and see the Steele/Palin comedy show for free.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tilo Party forms in South Florida to combat Tea Party views and restore America

  What is the TILO Party ?

The main reason for my creation of the TILO Party ( Thinking Individuals Looking Out for America ) is to combat not only the disguised extreme conservative movement of the TEA Party but to have people who can actually reason and think for themselves give their opinions in a rational manner to tackle today's problems.

As the founder of the Tilo party and a Hispanic Democrat I felt this needed to be addressed. I get so upset when the morons on the right, yes the party of No Answers,No Solutions, and No Progress critique all of today's problems and there are many, to the Democratic Party and the Liberal Media. As a boy and even today Tilo or the Linden Tea leaf is used in the Hispanic culture to calm the nerves,reduce upset stomachs,anxiety and help you get a good night's sleep. Well, you can imagine how Tilo correlates to the my political views today.

We hope you enjoy our blog and look forward to your comments.